

Li Internet Electronic Blog




The extrausers class allows additional user and group configuration to be applied at the image level. Inheriting this class either globally or from an image recipe allows additional user and group operations to be performed using the EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS variable.


The user and group operations added using the extrausers class are not tied to a specific recipe outside of the recipe for the image. Thus, the operations can be performed across the image as a whole. Use the useradd class to add user and group configuration to a specific recipe.

Here is an example that uses this class in an image recipe:

inherit extrausers
    useradd -p '' tester; \
    groupadd developers; \
    userdel nobody; \
    groupdel -g video; \
    groupmod -g 1020 developers; \
    usermod -s /bin/sh tester; \

Here is an example that adds two users named “tester-jim” and “tester-sue” and assigns passwords. First on host, create the password hash:

mkpasswd -m sha256crypt tester01

The resulting hash is set to a variable and used in useradd command parameters. Remember to escape the character $:

inherit extrausers
PASSWD = "\$X\$ABC123\$A-Long-Hash"
    useradd -p '${PASSWD}' tester-jim; \
    useradd -p '${PASSWD}' tester-sue; \

Finally, here is an example that sets the root password:

inherit extrausers
    usermod -p '${PASSWD}' root; \
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